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The impact of poor air quality

Ventilation is a hot topic. As a result of the pandemic, more and more attention is being paid to refreshing the air. It is important to tackle this: better ventilation improves health.

Air pollution

We can hardly imagine what it was like before safe drinking water came out of the tap. However, it was not so long ago that nasty pathogens had a good chance of making their home in drinking water. Fortunately, that is now behind us.

In the meantime, however, the air has become increasingly polluted. A growing number of people suffer complaints and illnesses that are demonstrably due to poor air quality. In the Netherlands alone, there are 1.2 million* people with a lung condition for whom relaxed breathing is not a self-evident matter.

Breathing is our first necessity of life: we can go without air for about 1 minute. Our vital organs such as our lungs and brain, work best when fresh air is breathed in. Clean air is just as important as clean drinking water. After all, the quality of air also determines the quality of our overall health and the functioning of the brain.

*source: Longfonds

Passively healthier

We all want to be healthy, live energetically, and age with vitality. We are often prepared to do a lot to achieve this. We have to take into consideration what we eat and drink, and we make sure we get enough exercise. So, it's strange that we don't always contemplate the air quality we breathe. Fresh air passively contributes to our quality of life and requires no effort. Only a conscious choice for healthy air.

We have little influence on the situation outside. We spend most of our time at home and in the workplace, and that is where we can certainly make a difference. It starts with a proper ventilation system and the timely replacement of saturated filters. When you see what the filters have absorbed, you can breathe a sigh of relief that you've got that sorted.

We will probably also remain alert to the transmission of viruses in shared rooms for quite some time. Ventilation appears to be a keyword in this. The preventive health benefits of this focus are greater than just preventing infections. We are more vital if we have a healthy indoor climate.

How do you improve indoor air quality?

The first step towards a healthy indoor climate is to monitor the CO2 values in a room. A CO2 meter measures the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, expressed in PPM (parts per million). Based on the CO2 values in a room, action can be taken. A value of 800 or higher means that better ventilation is required in the room. A PPM of 1200 or higher will result in health problems. Measuring = Knowing.

Written by Hobie
Operations Manager at TOPS Luchtfilters

Curious about the power of clean air? Then read our blog about clean air!